Form Filling – Common Errors PPT

Form Filling - Common Errors PPT
A brand new PowerPoint presentation on information transfer skills. This presentation highlights the common errors made by students and explains how to successfully nail full marks. It includes excerpts of real answer scripts and comments! We hope our premium members will love it! [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] Please go to ESL PowerPoints to download it.  … ...

Core Information Transfer Analysis

Core Information Transfer Analysis
The only exercise which requires 100% accuracy to obtain full marks in the ESL exam is the information transfer exercise. This post includes sample answers and their analysis which would help students to think about tricky and silly mistakes they make while doing the form filling exercise. The presentation includes the comments and analysis. [embeddoc… ...

Form-filling sentence drill

Form-filling sentence drill
Salaam folks! The information transfer exercise is quite straightforward, although most of our students find it hard to score full marks. The main reason for this happens to be the last section in the form – the sentence. Most of the time, students are able to locate the relevant information required for the sentence and… ...