Keeping animals in zoos: A* article

Keeping animals in zoos: A* article
[jaccordion size=”normal” theme=”cupertino” active=”1″]    Keeping animals in zoos::By Aifa, Grade 10 (Biledhdhoo School, Maldives) Could your conscience cope with the idea of depriving innocent animals of their freedom just for our merriment? Although there are some proponents of caging animals, I believe this is a notion of utter absurdity. Firstly, from my point of view, zoo ...

The upside-down life of sloths – A* Summary

The upside-down life of sloths - A* Summary
Written and contributed by Rayyan, MOJO Tuition Student (Grade 9). We thank Rayyan for sharing his work with our readers and students. The Question is from February / March 2019, Paper 22, Exercise 4. [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] Download [download id=”4330″]

State Hospital Visit – A* Model Report

State Hospital Visit - A* Model Report
A brand new report writing question with an A star model answer, prepared by MOJO team for our premium members! We hope you like it. More coming! Your reviews and feedback are invaluable to us. Your class recently went on a trip to a big hospital in your city. Your teacher has asked you to… ...

Food evening : A Star Email: FREE! 1

Food evening : A Star Email: FREE!
Last week, your class held an ‘international food evening’ for the whole school to come to. Write an email to a friend, telling him/her about the international food evening. In your email, you should: explain how you helped to arrange the international food evening describe what happened on the evening say why it was so ...

Whoop it up – A* Model Email

Whoop it up - A* Model Email
Your friend is coming to stay in your house next month to look after it while you and your family are on holiday. Write an email to your friend about staying in your house. In your email, you should: tell your friend where some important things are in your house ask your friend to do… ...