You recently met and talked to a person who is famous in your country.
Write a letter to a relative, describing what happened.

In your letter you should:
give details of the famous person and where you met
explain what you talked about
describe how you felt afterwards.
The pictures above may give you some ideas, but you are free to use any ideas of your own.
Answer shared by By Ibrahim Nabeel, N. Lhohi School
Dear Anotoly,
You’ll never guess who I saw last night at Lemon Grass. I might have forgotten some minor details due to excitement, but let me relive the whole experience for you.
I was enjoying a coffee with my friend Meddison when suddenly there was a commotion outside. Quickly, I rushed outside. There I stood frozen for a few seconds to see Shawn Mendas at the entrance (unbelievable, right?)
Need I tell you how much I stan for Shawn? His stature may make him look he’s quite high-and-mighty at first but he’s incredibly down-to-earth. When I saw fans, rather casually, encircling him for autographs, I rushed in a hurry-scurry manner. Needless to say, he snickered at the jazzed look on my face (haha). As you know, curiosity is my notable trait, so I spilled out the lingering questions, and surprisingly he didn’t mind answering every one of it, even the questions about his personal stuff! He then cracked a joke about my baseball cap before writing an autograph on it.
I literally did my happy dance once he left giving me his GAP cap. I could still hear the pounding of my heart (lol). It was like a dream came true to finally meet my biggest idol. It’s surely going to take quite some time to quit rekindling the memory of this surreal encounter. I know how heartsick you’d be to have missed it all. But hey, my friend Meddison took some cool snaps. I’ll make sure you get them.
I’ve to dash to tell my friend Oliver the story. Bye for now.