A Star Review Booklet 5

This booklet contains A Star Reviews with Analysis Tasks. (All new questions)

  1. Restaurant Review
  2. Film Review
  3. Book Review
  4. Course Review
  5. Cinema Review
  6. Documentary Review
  7. Anime Review
  8. Play Review
  9. Website / Social network Review
  10. App Review

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5 thoughts on “A Star Review Booklet

  1. Dina Sayed Apr 23,2023 11:59 pm

    I paid for the document but forget to give my email address in the remarks

  2. Petrinatan Apr 26,2023 2:22 am

    I too paid for the document but nothing was emailed to my email address. kindly email the document to hiye.cherish@gmail.com

    Thank you.

  3. hebaelsobky Apr 26,2023 5:58 pm

    whenever i try to pay to get the file it asks to add file
    can you clarify

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