Emails by Shizaan

Emails by Shizaan
Written by Shizaan, Grade 9, Sh. Milandhoo School. Contributed by Mr. Ahmed Munsif, English Teacher, Sh. Milandhoo School, Maldives. Thanks a bunch Mr Munsif for sharing this resource with us. Shizaan-EmailsDownload

Review Notes: Freebie

Review Notes: Freebie
Contributed by Mr. Munsif, English Teacher at Milandhoo School, this awesome freebie covers notes on guest house reviews, cinema reviews, book reviews, and stage play reviews. We’d like to thank Mr Munsif for this resource. Review NotesDownload

A-star Library Review

A-star Library Review
A-Star Library Review with a language task (answer key included) Membership Required You must be a member to access this content. View Membership Levels Already a member? Log in here

Argumentative Essay – Sample Body Paragraphs

Argumentative Essay - Sample Body Paragraphs
Note to learners: This is a compilation of authentic works of students on a diverse range of argumentative essay topics. Students are encouraged to identify the topic of each paragraph and analyse the techniques used in developing the arguments. These body paragraphs are crafted using an established strategy that aligns with the standards and guidelines ...

Is a college degree necessary for success in the modern world?

Is a college degree necessary for success in the modern world?
Does the pursuit of a college degree remain an unassailable prerequisite for success, or are there alternative routes that can lead to comparable outcomes? Membership Required You must be a member to access this content. View Membership Levels Already a member? Log in here

Using Question words & keywords

Using Question words & keywords
What are keywords? Keywords are words used by the examiner while framing the questions. They mostly lead the reader to the answer. Understanding the keywords and locating them are essential in getting it right. Using-question-words-AND-keywords-to-locate-precise-details PPT – Using-question-words-AND-keywords-to-locate-precise-detailsDownload Support material: 0510-F-M-2024-pages-2-3Download… Membership Required You must be a member to access this content. View Membership Levels ...