Book Review: The Kite Runner

Book Review: The Kite Runner
Can you imagine reading an extremely inspiring book that makes you strive to value every moment with your loved ones? Membership Required You must be a member to access this content. View Membership Levels Already a member? Log in here

Guided review writing – Terminator II

Guided review writing - Terminator II
INTRODUCTION “Terminator II” written and directed by James Cameron Science fiction / special effects /action SETTING AND PLOT Set in the 19th century America (USA) A twisting plot Arnold, the hero is no longer playing the bad terminator. Mission is to stop the deadly liquid shape-shifting T-1000 Patrick and save the world. COMMENTARY Movie is ...

Royal Illusions – A Star Film Review

Royal Illusions – A Star Film Review
Question You recently watched a film. Write a review of the film for the school magazine. Here are some comments from your friends who have watched the film. I didn’t like the storyline much! If you love mystery films, this is a must to watch! Write your review. A Star Model Answer 2018’s biggest hit,… ...

A* ESL Review Writing Guide – Restaurants

A* ESL Review Writing Guide – Restaurants
This is a continuation of The Ultimate Guide to Writing an A* ESL Review, Part 1. Readers will find certain similarities in these two parts because the skills applied in reviewing are basically the same, be it a film, novel or restaurant review. Nevertheless, I decided to separate restaurant reviews from novel/film reviews because teaching… ...

A* ESL Writing guide – Films and Novels

A* ESL Writing guide - Films and Novels
This guide purports to present straightforward strategies and techniques required to successfully review films and novels (books) in the context of ESL exam. This includes discussion of the most acceptable format, style and sub-skills needed to write an imposing and impressive review that will surely beat the mediocrity and fetch high marks in the exam. ...