Winter Getaways: Multiple-matching

Winter Getaways: Multiple-matching
Read the following extracts about winter vacations (A-D). Then answer Question 9(a) to (i). MM-Winter-GetawaysDownload… Membership Required You must be a member to access this content. View Membership Levels Already a member? Log in here

Multiple Matching Exercise 31

Multiple Matching Exercise 31
You are going to read part of a brochure for visitors to Norway suggesting activities they do during their visit. For questions a to j, choose from the sections of the article (A-D). The sections may be chosen more than once. [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] Download Multiple Matching Exercise 31… Membership Required You must be a ...

Multiple Matching Exercise 30

Multiple Matching Exercise 30
On the trail of Kit Man Gadgets that bring home comforts to the great outdoors have given rise to a new breed of outdoor adventurer. But purists are unconvinced. Read the magazine article about the use of gadgets by people doing outdoor activities. For questions a to j, choose from the sections of the article… ...

Multiple Matching Exercise 29

Multiple Matching Exercise 29
Multiple matching exercise 29. You are going to read about 4 hotels. For questions a-j choose from the hotels (A-D). [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] Download: Multiple Matching Exercise 29… Membership Required You must be a member to access this content. View Membership Levels Already a member? Log in here

Multiple Matching Exercise 28

Multiple Matching Exercise 28
Exercise 2 You are going to read descriptions of four board games. For questions 1-10, choose from games (A-D). The games may be chosen more than once. [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] Download: Multiple Matching Exercise 28… Membership Required You must be a member to access this content. View Membership Levels Already a member? Log in here

Multiple Matching Exercise 27

Multiple Matching Exercise 27
You are going to read an article in which four people talk about their work as teachers. For questions a-j choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once. [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] Download: Multiple Matching Exercise 27… Membership Required You must be a member to access this content. View Membership Levels ...