Marking – Notes and Comprehension

Marking - Notes and Comprehension
Teachers could first give the candidates the following student scripts to mark in groups. The presentation could be used during the discussion phase. Enjoy! [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] Download:   ESL-Reading-Comprehension-Note-Making-Sample-ResponsesDownload Note-Making-Wave-Power-Core-Student-2Download Note-Making-Wave-Power-Extended-Student-1Download Note-Making-Wave-Power-Marking-Scheme-1Download Reading-Comprehension-Atlantic-Space-Research-Core-1Download Reading-Comprehension-Atlantic-Space-Research-Extended-1Download Reading-Comprehension-Atlantic-Space-Research-Marking-Scheme-1Download… Membership Required You must be a member to access this content. View Membership Levels Already a member? Log in ...

Coded Marking: ProTip

Coded Marking: ProTip
One of the most effective ways to mark students’ written work is diagnosing their mistakes by putting correction symbols/codes against the mistakes or in the respective margin. Through this way, students not only identify the erroneous parts of their written work, but they also understand the category of those mistakes. This means that students can… ...

ESL Grades – from raw mark to syllabus grade

ESL Grades - from raw mark to syllabus grade
How does CIE finalyse grades for English as a Second Language? What if my students don’t do the Speaking Exam? How do I calculate the final grade? To help you understand more about how ESL grades are determined, we have prepared this guide for you! The post also includes details on how to calculate grades for ...