The grand opening : Planned Student’s Response

The grand opening : Planned Student's Response
Written and contributed by  Naashiya, a student of Ra Inguraidhoo School. One striking quality about this piece is the prior planning that is evident on the question page itself. Planning effectively is the key to writing a clear and less-messy letter. We encourage Naashiya to continue planning each piece of writing and using more ambitious ...

An Unforgettable Dinner

An Unforgettable Dinner
Task: Use as many words as possible from the following and write a short story. Objective: Contextualising vocabulary. Student’s Response An unforgettable dinner By Rayyan Yusuf (Grade 8) I was shaking with excitement as I sat and waited for the first course of my meal at Le Gavroche. Le Gavroche is said to be the fanciest restaurant ...

Question 5 Mini Collection: freebie

Question 5 Mini Collection: freebie
Contributed by Muhammad Malik, English Teacher, Ra Inguraidhoo School, Maldives. Thank you so much for sharing, Malik. Malik informs us that he has made the questions from scratch and would love to share them with all of you. This mini collection has the questions, tracks, transcripts and keys – all FREE! [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] Download: ...

A Star Summaries: Freebie

A Star Summaries: Freebie
Shared with love and best wishes from the students of 9A, Biledhdhoo School. [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”] Download Summary Question – ebooks Answer 1  Answer 2

Sports lessons in school timetable

Sports lessons in school timetable
Am I the only one who relishes the idea of having a little delirium through the continuous mind-numbing lessons? Hardly anyone denies that P.E is a must-have subject at school and I am no exception in that respect. To begin with, what I adore the most about having sport lessons is the way that they ...