Review writing question: documentary

Review writing question: documentary
To do this task effectively, we recommend teachers to show a documentary in class and then give this review writing question. The Blue Planet by BBC Earth is a fantastic choice to show to our students. We would love to get some students’ responses for this review. Please mail to if you wish your… ...

The Fault in Our Stars: A* Film Review

The Fault in Our Stars: A* Film Review
The Fault in Our Stars Released in 2014, The Fault in Our Stars is a classic of its kind. The movie based on John Green’s novel was set in a normal American neighbourhood. It was starred by Shailene Woodley as the defeatist Hazel Grace and Ansel Elgort as the life-affirming character, Augusts Waters. The plot… ...

A* ESL Review Writing Guide – Restaurants

A* ESL Review Writing Guide – Restaurants
This is a continuation of The Ultimate Guide to Writing an A* ESL Review, Part 1. Readers will find certain similarities in these two parts because the skills applied in reviewing are basically the same, be it a film, novel or restaurant review. Nevertheless, I decided to separate restaurant reviews from novel/film reviews because teaching… ...