Lazio: A* Restaurant Review

Lazio: A* Restaurant Review
Italian food oozes rich flavour, and no restaurant does it quite like Lazio. Nestled in the heart of Barcelona, Lazio is a top-notch restaurant which offers delightful Italian cuisines. I stopped by there with a friend of mine for dinner on a cosy Saturday night and with the first footsteps, I got enthralled by the ...

Review outline & 2021 Possible Exam topics 1

Review outline & 2021 Possible Exam topics
Contributed by Fathimath Samaha, Ukulhahu School, Maldives. Thanks for sharing, Samaha! REVIEW OUTLINE Introduction: Background information:  Location / name of the place / details of context (who, when, why, the atmosphere), duration (if it’s a course) etc. Main body: Paragraph 1: Quantified summary Describe the place/ how popular is the place among people/ the products ...

Top-notch reviews: student responses

Top-notch reviews: student responses
Three top-notch review responses from Aifa, Nadhuha and Ilma from Biledhhoo School, Maldives. Thanks a bunch for sharing your work with us! [embeddoc url=””] [embeddoc url=””] [embeddoc url=””] Topnotch-review-responsesDownload

Wonder, reviewed by Hania 1

Wonder, reviewed by Hania
Wonder is a wholesome family entertaining film which was released in 2017 and directed by Stephen Chbosky starring Jacob Templay, Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson. This film truly touched the heart of many in different ways. The film revolves around Auggie -played by Jacob Templay- a 10 year old science geek and minecraft lover who ...

Effective rhetorical questions

Effective rhetorical questions
These are samples of rhetorical questions submitted by the students of ESL Enrichment Class. The annotated comments are from Ahmed Nasir, the tutor and a premium writer of ESLMOJO. MOJO Members can download the PowerPoint on rhetorical questions by clicking on this sentence! [embeddoc url=””] Rhetorical qs 2021Download

Grimaced : Authentic Email Response

Grimaced : Authentic Email Response
[jaccordion size=”normal” theme=”cupertino” active=”1″]   Grimaced:: Authentic email response by Nabeel Dear Selena, I hope you’re in the pink of health. Anyway, if I fill you in with whom I bumbed into, you’d probably plan a weekend jaunt to here. Yesterday, after reading a humdrum tabloid, I went to the beach with flip-flops and masks on (of ...